Monday, October 20, 2014

October 20

Sorry for the day late post.. We were watching the Cowboys :) woohooo

This week in reading class we are reading the story Home Grown Butterflies and focusing on the skill of drawing conclusions. We had a class discussion on how the words drawing conclusions has nothing to do with drawing in art. Our class discussed that when you draw a conclusion you look at all the clues in the story, the context clues, and come up with your conclusion, guess and/or prediction based on those clues.

We did a short animation video about a family walking through a parking lot... going somewhere....we then listened for some context clues..
1. wanting to see the elephants
2. wanting to see the tigers
3. wanting to see the clowns
4. Hurry to get to their seats

We took those clues and drew a conclusions that they were going to a circus... circus was never directly stated in the story.

Our spelling words this week are three letter blends Week 9. Spelling City Practice and dont forget the sentences. There are three this week.

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