Sunday, October 12, 2014

October 13

This week in reading we are working in the fun, but sometimes confusing genre of Historical Fiction. Students usually are quick to identify the passage as fiction, but the historical part throws them for a loop. This is a great time to discuss that historical fiction is a made up story that is set in a special time in history.

This week we will be reading Boom Town that is about a young girl and her family starting a pie business in a miner town in California during the Gold Rush. The Gold Rush really happened, but Amanda's pie business did not. We will also be focusing on the skill this week and it is sequencing story events.

In spelling this week we will be working with words with silent letters. My son and I call them Ninja words.(He's 7) Obviously this is not the correct term, but it helps him remember how sneaky these letters are. Here is the link to the spelling words Week 8 Silent Letters.. and don't forget about the sentences.

Mrs. Phillips
Go Cowboys!! woohoo

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