Sunday, September 28, 2014

September 29

This week in Reading Class we are going to be working on the wonderful skill of Summary! There are many different ways to write and/or identify a good summary. We are going to be using the B.M.E (Beginning/Middle/End) and of course a thinking map to help with the summary skill.

Ways you could help at home are when you are doing your nightly reading routine ask your kiddo to summarize what they have just read. We want the bigger picture... no small supporting details. Try to have them summarize their story in three parts. The most important event at the beginning then the important part in the middle and then how does it end. We use the example of Finding Nemo...
 BME: Nemo got taken by the diver, his dad searches for him and ends up reuniting with him at the end. Short and sweet!

Our vocab words this week: separate, determination, storage, exact, luckiest, and ruined. Play a game here: Vocabulary Game

We will be reading the story My Very Own Room this week about a young girl who lives in a large family and desperately wants a room of her own, since she has only brothers. It focuses on hard work and determination.

Dont forget about our spelling words! This week will focus again on the r-controlled vowel words. Here is the link to my spelling city account to help your kiddo practice in a fun way. Also dont forget about those sentences.Week 5 Spelling List

Go Cowboys!! (It's halftime woohoo)

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